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Clear Connection

An Audio for more calm and clarity in your life and business!

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    What is Sound healing?
    Sound healing uses specific frequencies to move you to different brain wave states for deeper sleep, clarity, calm and overall better health.

    Sharon is an Intuitive Sound Alchemist who uses powerful sound frequencies to transmute and transform people’s lives. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner, Reiki Master, and professional musician with two degrees in performance. Along with three decades of her own healing journey informing her work, she brings her keen intuition, sensitivity, and grounded being to help others access their own inner healer by alchemizing their deepest wounds and fears into their greatest source of power and light. -Sharon Buck, MCM, LMT

    What you get:

    An audio sound healing session to shift you from confusion to clarity and from overwhelmed to calm in just 20 minutes.

    What people are saying:

    "Sharon's audio is fabulous! I had a tough week. . .and listened to it multiple times and it really helped me switch to a better place."

    -Dawn Schwartz

    "I loved the vibrational tune-up I just received (from your audio) - I was relaxed completely by the end. The sounds of your voice melded with the tuning forks which helped me focus inward to hear my own voice and release. Thank you for sharing your gifts of sound!"

    -Nancy Nikolauk

    "I just listened to your wonderful audio. So relaxing and healing. From it, I understood that my desire for a positive outcome for my wish literally needed to come from a higher vibration and your meditation got me more in tune with that."

    -Corinne Sutter